Friday, December 7, 2007

World's best pencils?

Students who need to borrow a pencil for my upcoming final may just be in for a real treat!

Last week-end, I bought eight dozen Ticonderroga ( pencils in Costco. The box states that this product is "The world's best pencil." Apparently, the pencils are made with "premium cedar" and feature "latex free" erasers. Who could ask for more?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pastel colored copy paper

Last night, I went shopping for colored copy paper online. I checked out,, and OfficeMax had a 25% off sale, so I ended up buying a total of ten reams at $5.24 plus tax each--two blue, two green, two pink, two yellow, and two goldenrod.

Welcome to the Office Supplies Blog!

It takes a special person to care enough about office supplies to make up a complete blog on this topic. It also takes a rather special person to want to read it. You are in select company!

Sadly--or perhaps delightfully--this is not actually the first blog on office supplies. I got the idea for this one when encountering a blog on while searching for office supplies. I mistook that blog for one exclusively on office supplies. It turned out not to be, but I searched the phrase "office supply blog" on Google and, amazingly, came across .